Saturday, January 17, 2009

Investing Your Life in Something Bigger Than Yourself

My passion is to make much of Christ in all that I say and do. I deeply desire to glorify His name and share the Good News of salvation. Jesus gave His disciples a mission before He
ascended into heaven, and it was to make disciple of all nations---this mission still needs to be carried out today. Christians everywhere should join in this great endeavor to proclaim God's saving grace to a world that is lost in sin. Life is but a breath and then it is gone; we should make the most of the time God has given us and share the joy we have in Christ with the world.

The goal I have for this blog is to make Christians aware of ways and opportunities they can become involved in missions. I want to share the challenge God has continually reminded me of with my fellow Believers, and that is to invest your lives in something bigger than yourself. God has placed us here on this earth for a reason and it is not to make much of ourselves, but to make much of Christ. We make much of Christ by obeying His commands, and He has commanded us to be His witnesses in this world. I want to encourage you to reach out to others, be spent for Christ, make sacrifices, and give your all for the sake of the Gospel.

Countless opportunities are available for Christians who want to give their lives to missions. Whether it is short-term mission trips, long-term mission trips, financial support, prayer support, writing letters to persecuted Christians who are in prison, sending care packages to missionaries, etc. The opportunities are out there, the question is whether or not Christians will stand up and embrace them. Only what we do for Christ is going to last...everything else will fade away. I think it is time Christians go out of their comfort zones and join the countless throng of Christ followers who have already gone before us and take up their torch. Let us be spent for the sake of the Gospel. Yes, let us live and if need be die for something so much greater and important than ourselves.

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Letters for Persecuted Prisners

STOP...take a minute and think about your brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering and being persecuted for their faith. Remember them...
In Hebrews 13:3 we read: "Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them...." Do we do this? Do we pray for them? Do we encourage them in their faith?
Check out this link and find out one way you can be an encouragement to imprisoned Christians around the world. We all love getting least I do. Take a couple minutes and send a letter to a Christian suffering for Christ in prison.